Modern Print – Aus der Serie „Havanna“

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Braut blickt nachdenklich vom Balkon, Havanna, Kuba, 1996
Aus der Serie „Havanna“


„It’s not easy“ is what the people on every street corner of Havana can be heard saying. It’s not easy with the electric current being cut off in the quarter, and the last candle having to be saved for the Gods. Not easy when all you’ve got for breakfast is some sugared water and some breadcrumbs which are the leftovers of your three-ounce daily ration of bread. There’s no paper or construction material available. Soap hasn’t been seen around here for months. Huge factories lay idle because of lack of power or lack of replacement parts. Nevertheless people get on with their everyday lives: swapping, mince for toothpaste, cigarette rations for shoes.
Even though the government still conjures up the old ideals and the hostile images, the socialist dream seems to be coming to an end. Meanwhile, as the motto „socialism o muerte“ (socialism or death) flakes from the walls the people of Havana are hoping for better times, and at the same time scared of what is to come. This is how I experienced „Havana between the times“.
The work titled „Havana between times“ was made in spring 1996. It was her second visit to Cuba and the country had changed very much since I was there first. The socialistic dream seemed to have come to an end. But her aim was not to show misery for the sake of sensation. She wanted to show people in a rapidly changing country with their hopes and fears for the future.“


Produkt Info

Papierformat: 30 x 40 cm, 40 x 60 cm
Auflage: 12 + 2 AP (40 x 60 cm ), 25 + 2 AP (30 x 40 cm)
Papier: Modern Print - Labor Handabzug
Signatur: signiert